Jeremy and Ronnie

Jeremy and Ronnie

Friday, March 26, 2010

My Strong and Beautiful Wife

Hello, this is Crystal's husband Jeremy. Crystal normally updates this site every Thursday but she was a little busy. I figured I would write on her behalf today. She is on a Church women's retreat with a bed and breakfast. Crystal has been so strong the last few months for our family. She keeps a smile most of the time and concentrates on the blessing that we have recieved through these times of trial. I know that she has explained some of the things that our family has experienced lately and how we cope with everything. What she probably has not told you is how much she is the glue that has held this family together. Even on the day our world changed forever, she made time to be with the kids so that they were not as scared. She has kept me from going over the edge when I would feel like giving up. Ever since I met my baby girl she has been upbeat and caring. Everyone that knows her has seen her kindness and it oozes from her. One of the most heart wrenching things about loosing our little girl is seeing my wife suffer.

At times, she would see other mothers on the news that were in trouble because they put their children in danger in some way, or something that is all to common these days, a parent putting their needs above their childrens. Crystal is the total opposite, she almost gives so much Andy, Ronnie and her third child JEREMY, that she ends up doing without. She would sometimes ask me why did she not get to keep Jolianne when there are so many that treat their children like any other possesion. I dont know why but I have learned a few things because of her and these could be some of the reasons that Jesus decided to give Jolianne to us for her short time.

1) Crystal and I have found Jesus again. We used to call ourselves Christians in name only and I know that we would not be as close to him without this happening. What good is it to miss her if we wont be able be with her forever once this is all done.

2) How important our family really is. I have never loved my family as much as now. This includes our extended family as well. We all have suffered through this.

3) How strong my family is. They say that a castostrophic event can tear a family apart. Crystal has done everything to prevent this and our family is stronger than ever.

4) How pretty some of my traits can be on a little girl. Ronnie looks just like his momma, but Jolliane had quite a few of my features and she was the most beatiful girl ever. :)

Please keep reading Crystal's posts, she really loves to write and get things off her chest. The people that read this blog are a great source of caring for her and I thank you.

Jolianne's Daddy and Crystal's loving husband


The Claytons said...

Amazing Post, beautifully written!! So glad to see that Jeremy posted something on the blog :O)

Love ya'll


Crystal M. said...


Nana and Papa said...
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Nana and Papa said...

Happy Birthday Crystal!

We know your Mother can say that "The Angels danced on the day you were born"
As your parents by marriage we believe "The Angels danced on the day you married our son!"
You have been such a blessing to our family and soul mate to

We love you very much!
Mom and Dad

(P.S. To Jeremy: It takes a stong man to be sensitive enough to express his feelings especially in print for all to see. I'm sure your post was one of the best presents that you gave to your precious wife. I am very proud of you. (Now, can you tell your Dad that is what I want from him?! :-)
Love ya,

About Me

My name is Crystal. I am 31 years old. I am married and the mother of three beautiful children. Andy is the oldest. He is 14 and loves to play the drums and play video games. Ronnie is next at 6 years old. He loves to play outside and run around all over the place. He is a true blue boy through and through. Jolianne is our sweet angel up in Heaven. She went to be with our Lord on January 3, 2010. I am not working at the moment and I enjoy spending quality time with my children.
